

Welcome to the website of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix (MMM) Indian Province. The Congregation was founded in 1942 in Spain by Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira. The mission of the congregation is spreading the Word of God all over the world through fraternal love, by walking with the excluded (poor, outcaste of the world and those whose dignity is violated)..

We always remember the teachings of our Mother Foundress, “share the hopes and joys, the sorrows and trials of the people especially those of the poor, we really offer to join efforts with all who are striving to transform the world according to God’s plan.”

As a community of faith and love, we are a family gathered together in God’s name. We are privileged to have always with us the Eucharist celebrated as a daily sacrifice and as a sacrament. We missionary sisters aim at living united to our Mother the Virgin Mary, through whom we surrender to God our life, our vows, and our missionary task, in order that she may teach us to be Mediatrix, like her, between God and men.

This website bears witness to the services provided by our sisters in different ministries.

Thank you
Sr. Valsamma Lukose Nampudakam,
Provincial Superior, Hyderabad


Pastoral and Evangelization

The apostolate of a Missionary of Mary Mediatrix is to work directly with people, wherever one is. Read More


Education is an apostolate through which a Missionary of Mary Mediatrix partakes in the mission of Christ as the Teacher. Read More

Health Care

The participation in the healing ministry of Jesus in our apostolate is carried out through health care. Read More

Social Work

We toil to uplift the dignity of the human beings, to empower the women and marginalized. Read More