


Education is an apostolate through which a Missionary of Mary Mediatrix partakes in the mission of Christ as the Teacher. Our Mother Foundress, Rosario Fernandez, who was a teacher herself, remains as our inspiration in this apostolate. Education enables us to lead the people mainly the younger generation from unreal, untruth and ignorance to the Real, the Truth and the Knowledge that is Christ Jesus Himself. We aim at the whole round development of the students focusing on character formation by lighting the way of the children and equipping them to face the challenges on their way. Having the focal point on the whole round development we help the students to explore and establish values focusing the development of one’s own moral values. Hence, we create the promising members of tomorrow’s society who fight to break the barriers of injustices, inequality, social evils etc. The Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix provide academic and vocational education according to the need of the place. Special education for the differently abled, education of the orphans and HIV positive children are part of our education ministry. The boarding facilities are being provided for children who are from poor economic background and remotest villages in view of improving their social status and providing a circumstance to learn discipline and order.