
Pastoral and Evangelization

Pastoral and Evangelization

The apostolate of a Missionary of Mary Mediatrix is to work directly with people, wherever one is. Therefore, we, the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix coordinate our activities with the parish priest helping him in his apostolate such as distributing communion, administering baptism, preparing couples for matrimony and comforting the dying. In addition to these, we also participate in catechesis of the parish children and youth, animating the youth and mothers in the parish, conducting prayer services in the families of the parish, family counselling, making our Heavenly Mother and Mediatrix known among the parish community through various Marian devotional practices, organizing retreats, day of fasting and prayer and night vigil for the parishioners.

Our apostolate revolves around evangelization i.e. pre-evangelization, evangelization proper and its consolidation (integral mission of evangelization). Mother Rosario writes in the Life Style: “The apostolate of the Congregation of M.M.M is to evangelise, and to evangelise particularly the poor.” According to her the first task of evangelization, which we will have to undertake, shall be the testimony of our own lives.

Be witnesses of our Lord in our life, a life that is totally evangelical. Direct evangelization is our main apostolate however; we also involve ourselves in the field of integral evangelization to fight against the process of secularization. Therefore, we involve ourselves in the faith formation, renewal of the laity, strengthening the communion in the parish, evangelizing the youth to be evangelizers, encouraging the active participation of the people in the parish, strengthening the Christian communities either in the places where help is required to reach maturity, or where for any reason there has been a set back; above all renewing our vigour time to time to be fruitful evangelizers.