
Mission in India

Mission in India

The Congregation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrx was raised to the status of a religious Congregation of Pontifical Right on 8th May 1975. This prompted Mother Rosario and her sisters to face challenges and take up new venture. Hence, by being receptive to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and holding fast the dream of our Mother Foundress, Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira, Sr. Mary Michael Thekkeyattathu and Sr. Aleykutty Joseph Mundatuchundayil(late) after completing their formation in Spain, came back to Kerala in the year 1975 October 23 and in the same year laid the foundation stone for a new community in Manimala. Thus, they sowed the seed of Mediatrix plant in India. It was a daring step in the life of Mediatrix family. This house was solemnly blessed by, Mar Antony Padiyara, the then Archbishop of Changanacherry. The prime aim of this house was to train the formees: the buds of the congregation. It played a major role in forming majority of our Indian sisters. We gratefully remember our pioneers for taking such a step which of course was challenging and caused great effort. All made possible trusting in the Providence of God. In the year 1975 the next house was opened in Budidumpadu, one of the remotest villages of the then Andhra Pradesh. Sr Elizabeth Michael Thekkeyattathu, Sr Therese Thomas Kayamackal and Sr Ann Joseph Narikkatu were the pioneers. It was with the invitation of Most Rev. Alfonso Beretta, P.I.M.E the then bishop of Warangal, in collaboration with the Carmelite Fathers (OCD). In 1980 we started a Telugu medium school for the under privileged students of the locality. The sisters tried their level best to give quality education to the children. We have initiated different programs for the upliftment of the vulnerable sections of the society through various ministries like pastoral, education, health, village work, women empowerment etc.

Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira led the Congregation till 1982 as the Superior General. Mother Rosario herself nurtured the delicate saplings with tender care and tireless hands. The administrative structure is so geared, that the different Delegation into which the Congregation is divided, to ensure its growth in its rich heritage and its contemplative, ecclesial and Marian character. The 1982 General Chapter brought about changes in the administration of the Congregation.

From 1985 onwards Mary Mediatrix Delegate House was functioning in Secunderabad. Also part of it was a study house for the sisters. It was shifted to L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad, for its smooth functioning and autonomy. A new building was constructed and blessed by most Rev.Marampudi Joji, Arch bishop of Hyderabad for the same purpose on 31st January in 2004.

In 2012 the General Chapter recommended the division of the Congregation into Province while it had Delegations and Regions for its better administration and further growth. The General Chapter2012 was a milestone in the history of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix of Indian Delegation. During this General Chapter, the Superior General, along with the general administration in the plenary session promulgated the good news of raising India to the status of a Province in the Congregation, with the request of the Indian Delegation for the better growth and administration of the unit. Thus the Indian Province was erected on 30 November 2013. Sr Lucelly Franco Ochoa, Superior General, canonically erected Mary Mediatrix Indian Province at Shathavahana Nagar, Road No.1, L.B.Nagar, Hyderabad during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Most Rev.Thumma Bala, Archbishop of Hyderabad.

The manifestation of the charism of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix is spread out of Spain and is found in various parts of India and in countries like Italy, Germany, Colombia, Honduras, Malawi etc. with great zeal and enthusiasm for the continued progress of the Congregation with its motto “Love at all cost". The Congregation is growing by the grace of God and the blessings of the Almighty.