


Following the charism and vision of our Foundress, Mother Rosario Fernandez, we continue the mission of Jesus Christ entrusted to the Catholic Church by working to ‘make God known, loved and served, and thus save souls’. As apostolic religious sisters at the service of the Universal Church, we go wherever the Spirit and mission lead us. Today our mission is extended to four continents.

Even in the increasingly complex world in which she lived, Mother Rosario held the key to evangelization. That is why Mother Rosario charged the religious of Mary Mediatrix to be educators in the faith wherever we sent and in whatever ministry we served.

From the very beginning Mary Mediatrix sisters carried out this work of evangelization. To the present day, this ministry continues to be the pillar of the Congregation. The Congregation also engages in other apostolic works of outreach and social justice to share the Good News with those in needs. The Congregation continues to see the mission entrusted to it as sending us across the borders of every sort. Even with this international mission, Mary Mediatrix sisters always realize and carry out its work in particular local communities in response to their needs, especially the needs of the poor. Wherever we minister, we serve in the midst of the people of God.

The mission proper to our congregation is to follow Christ the Father’s Missionary, evangelizing all people and carrying the message of salvation to them especially the poor to whom Christ always gave preference and to which the Church devotes her best efforts. Our main apostolate is evangelization by means of various activities according to the needs of the people and place. We try to realize it through direct evangelization, pastoral work, education, healthcare, social work and other activities relevant either to evangelization or human promotion. We take special care to give assistance to priests in their parish apostolic labours.

Being faithful to the institute we live in the deepest and most intimate manner the mystery of the universal mediation of Mary always remembering that she is the Mother and perfect model of consecration to God and to the missionary apostolate. Our Mother Foundress said “Be in friendship with Mary she can inspire and place us next to Abba, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”

She wished her sisters to be open to the world and understand the reality of the time. Today we realize the meaning of this prophetic word. People have changed; time has passed, but the work of the Divine providence continuing. We feel proud and grateful to our Mother Rosario who produced this beautiful piece of art so perfect and so unique in the form of MMM and above all, we bow our head in adoration before the Almighty for all the blessings he has done in and through our family.