

History of the Congregation

The congregation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix is an apostolic religious congregation founded on February 2, 1942 at Bayona in Galicia in the Diocese of Tuy (Province of Pontevedra) in Spain by Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira, assisted by Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil O.P. It has a special mission in the church to reproduce and continue in the church, the unity and love of the early Christian community, evangelising and conveying their message of salvation to everyone in the world, and living the spirit of fraternity as the main proclamation of the Good News of the Kingdom. The Congregation was erected as a Diocesan Congregation in 1962 by Santos Moros Briz, Bishop of Avila.The Congregation became an Institute of Pontifical right in 1975 during the pontificate of Paul VI. It was granted by Cardinal Tabera, Perfect of the Congregation for Religious and was signed on May 8th 1975, feast of Mary Mediatrix , thus recognizing the growth and development of the Congregation and its place in the universal Church. Mother Rosario Fernandez Pereira led the Congregation till 1982 as the Superior General. The 1982 Chapter brought about changes in the administration of the Congregation.

In 2012 the General Chapter recommended the division of the Congregation into Province while it had Delegations and Regions for its better administration and further growth. Thus the Congregation is working in various parts of India as well as abroad, in countries like Spain, Italy, Germany, Colombia, Honduras, Malawi etc. with great zeal and enthusiasm for the continued progress of the Congregation with its motto ”Love at all cost". The Congregation is growing by the grace of God and the blessings of the Almighty.

It was against the overwhelming odds and difficult circumstances that the Congregation came into existence. The outbreak of civil war brought unfold suffering to people everywhere, was subject to even greater hardships. The immediate consequences of the war, like the displacement of peoples, the influx of refugees, the uncared or little cared victims of war, poverty and misery made the life of the people pathetic. Conditions of the womenfolk called for genuine care and concern. People were deprived of spiritual as well as material assistance. Mother Rosario, a visionary and a cloistered religious, could not think of leaving them to be doomed forever. So, the idea arose of starting a missionary Congregation to take care of them. Mother Rosario’s vision for nurturing a missionary Congregation found its most concrete expression in the founding of religious Congregation: Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix under the able guidance of Rev. Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil OP. Mother Rosario got inspiration to transmit her vision and ideas especially her daring apostolic and missionary heart to a group of young girls.

In 1942 the Congregation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix began to take its initial steps along its path of destiny. The Lord blessed the humble beginning with rapid growth and rich missionary harvest. Its unpretentious origins, growth in obscurity and hardship, and the immeasurable trust and faith of the Foundress who believed in the power of the Almighty are monumental testimonies of God’s unbounded love and inscrutable ways. The fledging Congregation’s growth to maturity was interspersed with experiences, both positive and negative. With the passing of time they became growth experiences helping to strengthen the conviction and deepen the commitment of the members.


A Glimpse at the Beginning

The seed of the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix was sown in the heart of a woman who little realized the greatness of the mission, God was entrusting to her. Lola, the daughter of Dolores Pereira and Celestino Fernandes, belonged to an aristocratic family, was born on 1 May 1908 at Galicia in Spain. She received Maria de los Dolores as her baptismal name. Unfortunately, at the age of 11 she lost her father whom she loved so dearly, who was a doctor, and it was he who inspired his daughter to ponder over the Divine, and spent time to look within. Political disturbances in the country especially the World War II had its impact in the spiritual realm too as it left the people in a deep spiritual crisis and indifference towards their religious duties. At the age of 18, on 14 June in 1926 she joined the cloistered convent of Dominican sisters at Belvis in Spain, while she was working as a teacher. The deep faith and conviction of her parents motivated her to make a decisive choice for the Lord. She was led by God to the religious life as a sister of cloistered convent of Dominican sisters where she took the name as Rosario Fernandez Pereira. As the upshot of civil war, there was a vast gulf between the rich and the poor and it was seen among the sisters too. It pained Sr. Rosario. In those days she was inspired to read and meditate on the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles. She was really excited and thrilled by the faith, love and sharing of the first Christian communities and wanted to live the same ideals. In 1936 the martyrdom of Fr Manuel OP, the uncle of Mother Rosario affected her very badly who was her spiritual director. Fr Esteban Gonzalez Vigil became the spiritual director of Mother Rosario, after the death of her uncle.

On January 6th in 1937 while she was reciting Matins, she felt an interior call from the Lord to “Leave everything, the house of your father and mother and come to the land I will show you and you shall be a missionary”. This was repeatedly heard during her meditation for many months. She did not know what it was and how it would be and where it would lead her. She loved her beloved convent and never wanted to come out of it. But God’s ways were different. “It was the call within the call”. She shared everything with Rev. Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil, the Dominican Provincial superior who was her spiritual director. After few days Rev. Sr. Rosario fell ill due to the bleeding of ulcer in the stomach. She got permission to leave the convent on 7 Januay1939, as exclaustration of six months for better treatment.

The experience of illness was a decisive moment in the life of Mother Rosario. The inspiration for founding something new and the idea to be a missionary was striking her day by day. The sickness confused the entire human plans. According to the medical report only few hours of human life was predicted to her. In these moments of greater crisis, she addressed Mother Mary and talked to her “My Mother I am dying and the work of the Lord has not yet been completed. Please you be the founder. I shall be your ambassador from the bed.” There she experienced that the virgin is taking the work as her own. “But this illness was not mortal; it was for the glory of God”. From then onwards she considered Mother Mary as the patroness of the new Institute.

She wanted to entrust Rev. Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil, her spiritual director, the works of the foundation in case if she dies. She was so convinced that the work was from the Lord and His will has to be done. However, Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil asked for clear evidence from God in order to fulfil her desire. On April 11th 1940, the Lord revealed His Divine intervention in her life and she was miraculously healed from her sickness completely. This was the sign that led to the foundation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix. This was an enough evidence for Fr. Esteban Gonzalez Vigil to extend his support and Mother Rosario Fernandez laid the foundation as pious union in 1942 at Bayona in the diocese of Tuy, Spain. Mother Rosario placed it under the patronage of Mary Mediatrix. The new community was in the style of the early Christian community with the characteristics of missionary spirit, universality, love for the Blessed Mother and love for the Church. This was the start of a great beginning. It is a Congregation of consecrated women dedicated to the service of the poor, especially the less privileged and marginalized of the society. The Congregation became an Institute of Pontifical right on 8 May 1975. In 1985, the Constitutions were granted pontifical approval with amendments.

The work began by Mother Rosario was not to die, for it was the work of Divine Providence. Mother Rosario led the congregation with her extra ordinary faith and trust in the Divine Providence. She was endowed with simplicity, humility, and special love for Blessed Virgin, the Church and the poor. It was kept alive through the instrumentality of Sr. Martha Riera de la Roza, the second Superior General, who was one of the pioneers from Asturias (Spian). Her vision, communication skills and strong faith developed the Congregation in an unimaginable way. In course of time, the little congregation grew in number and in stability as an Institute of active Missionaries. Under the leadership of Rev. Sr. Hortensia Barcena Fernandez and Sr. Lucelly Franco Ochoa the congregation further stabilized and grew and spread its wings on different parts of the world. The story behind the success was their vision, inspiration and complete trust in the Divine Providence Sr. Mercedes Arbesu Suarez, the present leader, through her dynamism, competency, interpersonal skills, and communication skills leads the Congregation. Her term marks a significant period of growth in the Congregation. She exercises her authority always in conformity with Canon Law and the Institute’s own law. Her main concern is to preserve the charism and spirit of the Congregation and promote unity among the sisters. She serves the Congregation by animating, guiding, coordinating, inspiring and encouraging the sisters to be faithful to their vocation and mission.

The little seed sown in the heart of Mother Rosario over seventy-eight years ago has now grown into a mighty tree, spreading its branches over the length and breadth of four continents Europe, America, Asia and Africa, especially in countries like India, Colombia, Italy, Malawi, Honduras, and Germany. Rooted in the contemplative spirit of Dominicans and nourished by its life of prayer and missionary zeal, the Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix express the vitality of the Church through its fruitfulness in the active apostolate. Born to respond to the needs of mission Ad Gentes the Congregation of M.M.M. is primarily dedicated to the missionary apostolate. To build a harmonious society of God, the Congregation, in order to fulfil the desire of the Foundress’ “Go, proclaim the Good News to all nations” proclaims the Gospel through schools, boardings, dispensaries, home for the aged, schools for the differently abled children, rehabilitation centre for HIV/AIDS patients etc.

The reason for its growth and development is primarily the providence of God and the protection of Mary Mediatrix of all graces, the patroness of our Congregation.

Having completed her work as per God’s will, Mother Rosario had gone to the heavenly abode on 28th June 1992 and sending showers of blessings up on her daughters.