
General Administration

General Administration

The General Chapter is the highest supreme internal authority of the Congregation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix. The Superior General is supreme authority of the Congregation. She is assisted by the General Council who is in collaboration with and under the direction of the Superior General. The Superior General and the members of the General Council are elected during the General Chapter held once every six years. Besides there are Provincial Superiors, Delegate Superiors and their councillors who head the Provinces and Delegations respectively. They are appointed by the Superior General in consultation with her Council, for a period of three years, renewable for another. Each M.M.M. community is headed by a local superior for a term of three years, which can be renewed for another three years.

The organizational framework of Congregation of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix is structured as follows:

  • The Generalate (Superior General and Council, General Administration)
  • The Provinces (Provincial Superior and Council, Provincial Administration)
  • Delegations(Delegate Superiors and Council)

Local Communities and Residences (under the jurisdiction of the Provinces and Delegations)