


Formation is a process of discipleship of Jesus Christ. It means acquiring the mind and heart, values and attitudes of Christ. Formation deals with the transformation of the whole person, and involves the development of all aspects of life. It prepares one to share in the mission of the Church, according to the Charism and spirit of one’s religious Congregation. It includes human, Christian Spiritual, religious, intellectual, apostolic, ecclesial and socio-cultural dimensions. It is an ongoing process, which is centred on the person being formed. Initial formation begins with the admission of the candidate to the Institute and lasts until the perpetual profession. This has a decisive importance in the formation process because during this period, the foundations are laid for making a positive response to the call of the Lord and remaining faithful to it. The stages of formation in our Congregation are:

  • Pre-aspirancy,
  • Aspirancy
  • Postulancy
  • Pre-novitiate,
  • Novitiate
  • Juniorate.

The aim of our formation process is to prepare young women for the total consecration of themselves to God in the following of Christ in our Congregation.


On Going Formation

As Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix, we continue our formation diligently throughout our lives taking personal responsibility to further our growth in all the areas and commit ourselves passionately to Christ and finds our fulfilment in Jesus our beloved, in communion with the community, Institute and society and becomes an agent of transformation by our life witness. Each sister studies attentively to the spirit, spirituality, traditions and history of the Congregation in order to advance the personal and communal assimilation of our charism. Making use of the available means in the community we strengthen our vocation and deepen our identity as Missionary sisters. We integrate gracefully our life experience to become holy and shares the spiritual riches and wisdom with others in universal love.