
Community Life

Community Life

We are organised in local communities, which are communities of faith, fraternal love and apostolic mission. We draw inspiration from the Apostle’s teaching, from a communion among ourselves, the Eucharist and prayer. Our communities radiate the evangelical spirit, aim at perfect love, by being the home of simplicity, humility, openness of mind, co-responsibility and service. No one should feel ignored because of her origin or limitations, on the contrary, in all humility, we endeavor to accept the designs of God, who often chooses weak instruments to confound the strong.

The love of sisters among themselves, the basic characteristic of our Congregation, must be mutual, sincere, loyal, universal, divine and human at the same time. This should make us feel integrated into a common mission and enable those looking at us to say “See how they love one another”.

By actively participating in the Eucharistic sacrifice which we daily celebrate, the presence of Christ in ourselves and in our communities becomes more real. In this memorial of His death and Resurrection we offer ourselves to the Father, as Christ did, and in union with the Church, for the salvation of man. We experience our communion with the divine life and the union of the people of God, and anticipate the final encounter at the banquet of the Kingdom.