
Charism & Spirituality


Every Charism indicates a profound desire to be conformed to Christ. The need for fidelity to the founding Charism, is a must for authentic renewal of the Spiritual heritage of every Congregation, in different places and times. The spirit of the Charism prepares every individual and challenges us to walk in the life of communion and in the apostolic works of the Congregation. Charism serves as a constant reminder to remain faithful to our call and urges us to continue our mission and bear witness to Christ with the utter simplicity of our lives. The Founding Charism of our Congregation comprises both consecration and mission that is following Christ the Father’s Missionary and carrying to all people His message of Salvation. We aim at reproducing and continuing in the Church the unity and love of the Early Christian Community. We strive to live the Lord’s commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you”.

The integral components of our Charism are:-

  • God’s unconditional love, especially for the poor and needy, is manifested in the Lord’s commandment, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’
  • ‘Love at all cost’- motto of our Congregation
  • Mary’s mediation and submission to the will of God as expressed in her response ‘Do as He says’
  • The apostolic missionary zeal
  • Contemplative spirit.


The Marian spirit and style of our Congregation which we have received from our Foundress, and by living it authentically, we establish a special relationship with her. It is an essential element of our identity as missionary sisters. Otherwise stated we find our inspiration to follow Christ in Mary. It in through her accompaniment and under her guidance we traverse on the path of conforming ourselves with Christ, her beloved Son and our Lord.

Our spirituality is Marian and partly linked with Dominican. We follow the Marian Spirituality of being always docile to God’s will with a spirit of total trust and surrender all through our missionary journey. Our spirituality also contains the beauty of the contemplative attitude of Mother Mary who treasured and pondered in the heart the marvels of God in her life.